Bespoke Pet Beds - "Temple" - Epnos - Architecture for Pets
Materials: Mahogany, Silks, Ormolu
W.27in; H.50in; D.27in;
W.68.58cm; H.127cm; D.68.58cm
É p n o s A r c h i t e c t u r e f o r P e t s
The TempleStrikingly evocative of the sacred temples of the Greco-Roman world, the Épnos Temple is and exquisite choice.Like the ancient temples of Greece this bed may beregarded not as an enclosure of space, but rather astature chamber in which one’s beloved pet can perch,rest or slumber, framed like a god or goddess in beautyand proportion. Atop the fluted mahogany columns,twenty-four karat gilt Corinthian capitols support theentablature of the bed. Four pediments surround the silkcovered dome, with the oculus
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